Chinese Fairing kit for the Suzuki RG500 Gamma Pt2

right so here we are in the garage this would be part two of the Suzuki rg500 Gama Chinese fairings I showed you in the previous clip pretty much a little different support from this top top side I also forgot to mention that I was about both this and this windshield and that is something the partner I was least happy about now I should be why yeah but anyway I put it on here I asked for r6 fairings them to not include the this Suzuki tackle here but you can see a little bit you can see probably a little bit if I don’t like this that there are actually some so markings they’re not too obvious but they’re there and also here the paint has run a little bit probably it’s going to go up if I just polish this a little bit anyway and one of the major concerns so one of the major things that I really cannot help you guys out with too much is the actual fitting because I have this bike was really busted up in 2005 so although the mountings all of their brackets and all that stuff was pretty much really yeah disfigured by that incident so as per usual there are these right there are these consoles or brackets here and they the question is of course do do the Chinese parents field and

the answer is probably okay but I have to because this was completely disfigured from the beginning I had to to modify it a bit and I’m not sure whether or not this is due to the Chinese fairing you actually have in your own place or if my my brackets were completely this point I remember from the from the original firing I always had some some issues were there yeah with this part and also here I have to in order to to get this in place I have to you know stretch it and a bit of pull it backwards in this direction and maybe a little bit difficult to see here now the behind is this bolt air is actually or this screw here and I have chipped the paint a little bit because if you go a little bit yeah in and off like this the thread of the of the screw is actually a little bit abrasive and it shifts the color a little bit not not too bad but it’s it’s gives a little bit of an indication that the pain itself is actually you know it is not 100% robust so you have to be a little bit careful a vote unit also the slower these these parts here which I had before we’re also really busted up by the crash so I have to modify them a little bit so I’m gonna modify them so that they the Chinese Ference fit which means of course that I can’t really say whether or not the Chinese Ference would be a complete or yamaha r6 fairings you know a good replacement for for the regional fairing in terms of in terms of fitting you can see a little bit there overall just to give you an idea how the crash of the crash was this is my clip on and it’s basically went went like this yeah so so there was some kind of abrupt retardation are obviously so so above it up apparently you know the the top calling completely bow on the side pharynx both sides really really busted up the rear fairing rear fairing as well was really busted up yeah so anyway same thing goes on the other side this is actually broken off on you to build this later on but you can see in a bit here maybe that this does not fit idle so I have to have to modify this a bit the reason why I did it like really the the windshield it’s actually the holes were really not that good what they did not simply they’re not line I use this the standard the ones from our original fairing these these screws and nuts and they actually cover the adjustments I had to make so sure doable but less than ideal you can also see another thing I have to to do something but you don’t want to risk a side on this side not so much so actually I have to cut off here a little bit well this fairing to get it aligned small details but it takes a little bit of time and and so on and this this is really you know the essence of the the decision you have to make whether or not to go for these Chinese variances okay you can do either a repair of the originals and you know put a lot of time and effort and money into that or you could you could buy this and put in yamaha r1 fairings the time to actually modify them and fix them up and take the chance of course that they will not crack or become faded over time or whatever so this is the this is the decision you have to make and so far I still think that on the plus side because again my theorem was completely smashed up I have quite a few original spare parts but it would take quite a significant amount of time and effort of course also all the decals all there yeah all the paint job and all that stuff is of course a significant amount of effort yeah yeah what else can I say yeah all of these other parts here front fender and all that stuff is I’m probably gonna gonna paint this one instead of using the original propolis yeah the fitting would be a little bit excruciating here you can see the front wheel from the crash it’s actually a bit busted up always in the same way yeah so again I did before amount of this this top fairing I put the decide pharynx there next piece once and holes line fairly well I mean these

the two fairing parts align well towards each other again not so sure whether or not they would align it I mean imagine that we take this despairing and put on the original sign pharynx for example on I simply do not know whether or not they would fit but yeah so so that’s pretty much it I think I’m not sure whether or not there are any more I mean put in some comments if there are more questions also I can strongly recommend the email-based forum the the the mailing list of the audio 500 gamma if you just cool that you’re I’m sure that you will find a way to do Eric Johnson’s details for that and yeah again if there are any questions just just shout out and I will try my best to to also done and of course I’ll try to post a little bit more as I go along with the detailing of these pharynx and try to show a little bit whether or not they actually was okay in terms of feeding and in the end all also probably give it a couple of years after using it and see whether or not it’s durable if it says you know UV resistant or or how it actually looks like over time and that’s pretty much it actually are just really nice I do have my my original chant areas you can see it’s a little bit busted up no see bad but it’s a little bit not so nice but I just realized I could actually see if we can make a comparison so so this this this I think is quite clear as I said before I could of course use this tag I can you know put out the dance in it and put it all but I would imagine that you would see fairly well that the Chinese fairness is actually a significantly more tart and it will look a little bit so I’m gonna try to go for the 4d motorcycle fairings the Chinese the Chinese cowboy approach as far as the tank goes at least yeah right okay so that’s it hope you enjoyed it and keep checking for updates as I move along it will take some time there are a lot of things to fix on the spark so it’s you don’t expect to have a new clip of the next pieces of fairings in there you know the next week or something like that we’ll probably take this winter to get this this bark in in shape or at least that’s the plan so but then however you know checking once in a while and make it there’s another clip tweet I hope you enjoyed it and take care out there bye guys